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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

CAS Project 1 - Business Internship

CAS Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


I went to India for my 2018 summer. I was extremely bored and needed to do something creative and intriguing, so I decided to do a business internship. I always wanted to become a business man and so I figured that gaining some experience in that field would be extremely beneficial. My family in India knew a diamond business company where I could apply for an internship and with their help I was able to successfully get one which lasted a whole month. This was one of the best experiences I have had in the business field as I had a very detailed insight of the numerous business functions in a full functioning business. This really helped me in making my future decisions of being a business man.

1. Investigation:

To begin with, I had always loved the finance and analytical part of the business as I loved maths and working with computers. I realized I should gain experience in that field if I want to turn my passion into a career. So I decided to do a business internship to gain experience and knowledge. This way I can be sure if this is what I really want to do. My family in India set me up as an intern in of the diamonds business companies they knew. I initially wanted to just focus on the finance and analytical part but then I learned about all of the business functions as it was extremely significant to know the basics.

2. Preparation:

Before starting the internship, I had to make sure I was qualified enough for the internship. These include having skills such as management, punctual, sincere, honest, and disciplined. After showing them my Resume, they gave allowed me to take the internship. Initially, I had the role of observing how people work and how everything in managed in a business. I specifically learned each business function in detail and learned the abilities and skills you need to work in that part. Then I chose a particular business function every day and learned the basics of it to decide which function I was the most passionate about. I started to gain more responsibilities as they gained more trust in my ability and skills. The first week I had the role of observation and choosing the business function I liked. I finally decided that I liked assorting and analytical finance part of the business.

3. Action:

Furthermore, I finally put myself in action. For the next 3 weeks, I worked in the assorting and analytical finance part of the business. In the morning session, I used to learn how to assort diamonds in terms of their clarity, shape, color, and size using numerous tools such as the tweezer, tray, ultraviolet lamp, and loupe. Then in the afternoon session, I learned how to keep records of financial data through accounting. I used different computer softwares for organizing this data and keeping track of the buying and selling of diamonds. It was extremely difficult to keep up with the work as it was really tiring and used a lot of brain functioning. However, I finally managed to finish my work every day as I was really passionate of the job I was doing and really enjoyed it.

4. Reflection:

From this great experience, I learned many important things in life. I learned that doing a job and working is extremely hard. It takes a lot of patience and management to achieve your goal. I had to work from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening everyday with a few breaks, however, they were still very tiring. I used to come home everyday extremely exhausted and not wanting to go to the office the next day. Though my passion was my motivation and so I kept coming the next day to enjoy what I was doing. I also learned that being a business man is what I wanted to do, especially in the finance field of the business. I learned how to assort but I realized it was quite boring as so I decided I wanted to work with computer softwares to manage financial data. Through this business experience in internship I experienced a life of a hard worker and I learned it was not easy. I gained a lot of respect for these workers as they do this job everyday even though it's so exhausting. This was something I had to work on individually, though I still had some help from other interns and the people working there. Together we would always finish the work and would feel extremely accomplished after completing it each day. Overall, it was a great experience and it gave me great insights of my future decision in my career.

5. Demonstration:

Through this internship, I have developed and learned many new skills. I learned time management, punctuality, assortment, using computer softwares for recording financial data, and many more. However, the main thing I got out of this internship is business experience which will prove very valuable in the future. Even though it was a very stressful month full of work and too much pressure on the brain, I came through with the help of others and my passion for doing this kind of work. I was committed towards my work and for a whole month I spent most of my day in the office gaining experience and working. Overall, I learned many new sets of skills through this internship which will be very beneficial in the future and I am glad I took on this challenge and internship for valuable experience.

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