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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Bangsaen Beach Cleanup - (S)

Updated: Jul 4, 2019

CAS Learning Outcomes:

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6. Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance

We all have been to a beach to relax and have fun, however have you ever been to a beach to cleanup? It doesn't sound very exciting but with friends, nothing is boring. We went to the Bangsaen Beach to pick up all the trash and then assorted them into plastic, reusable items, and other categories. We were divided into 3 teams and sent to different areas of the beach to pick up trash. My team had collected the most trash which rewarded us a free pizza party. This was due to our teamwork and collaboration. We each had different responsibilities, and so we collaboratively worked together to collect the most trash out of the 3 teams. The 3 teams combined had collected a total of 75 kg of trash from the beach. Although we were supposed to collect more trash, a storm broke out and so we were forced to go back to school. Our goal was to collect 100 kg of trash but couldn't complete it due to the storm, however we are glad we collected 75 kg of trash in such less time. Cleaning the beach was a very new, fun, and exciting experience for me. However, it was also extremely sad as I saw many dead fishes inside the lump of trash. Their death was caused by the fish eating plastic and all the human waste that ended up in the ocean. This helped me realize the harm we're doing to this world by polluting it. I now reconsider the amount of plastic and other harmful substances that I use and throw, and I'm definitely more aware of this problem.

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