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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Breakdancing - (A)

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

CAS Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Breakdancing is an athletic style of street dance with a variety of power moves, toprock, downrock, and freezes. I always wanted to do breakdancing since it was really "cool", attracted plenty of girls, and looked amazing. However, the main reason I breakdance is because I enjoy doing it and is a great way of releasing stress. I first started to explore breakdancing in Wells Without Walls where one of the student and teacher had led a breakdancing session. So I joined the session and instantly fell in love with it. After that, I joined the breakdancing club and danced for hours afterschool. At first, I only knew how to do basic moves such as toprock but as I practiced, I mastered several power moves such as freezes, headstand, 6 step, and more. I always wanted to master windmills and flares but I'm still working and improving on them, hoping one day I'll be able to perfect them. Furthermore, even after the practice ended, me and a couple of friends used to stay for hours just choreographing our dance and we didn't realize where time flew since we were having so much fun. We then finally performed our choreography along with other students and teachers choreograph in international day. Our dance was the last and so we ended with a banger, confirmed by the applauses from the audience. I could never forget that moment and experience as it was one of my best memories in life.

International Day Final Performance (Breakdancing)

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