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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Job Interview

Updated: May 15, 2022

For the job interview, I practiced in front of a mirror to identify my areas of improvement. The questions helped me prepare for the interview and communicate my message across the verbal channel. I used the STAR method to answer several types of questions including standard, behavioral, and unexpected questions. In order to reflect upon my interview preparation, I recorded my practice response to one of the questions and then evaluated my performance.

My strengths included being vocal and using the pace of delivery well while being prepared for the question which allowed me to lead my listener in the right direction. I used the STAR method productively to structure my response that helping the listener keep track of the flow and maintaining eye contact that gives a good impression. However, I struggled to use hand gestures and body language effectively and my language could have been more concise to better answer the questions. I also had a few hesitations that disrupted the flow of my response.

To further improve on my interview, I set out a goal for myself to produce concise answers while using body language and hand gestures to convey meaning. By shortening my speech, the listeners would be able to understand my perspective and be convinced by my response. Overall, it was a great learning experience for me as I learned where I could improve through my recorded response and how I can use effective communication strategies like the STAR method to be able to persuade my audience.

Question: Give an example of a time when you experience an unexpected problem and how you handled it.

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