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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Business Pitch

To prepare for my business pitch presentation, I practiced my part several times on my own to ensure it was effective and communicative. The purpose of recording the practice pitch presentation was to identify the areas of improvement to further improve upon those areas in the final presentation. Moreover, watching my peers and other groups helped me extract key takeaways from their presentations that I could implement in my own presentation.

I believe I did well in adjusting my pace of tone to let the audience understand the content. I maintained eye contact throughout the presentation and was able to speak in a convincing manner. I was also able to use the storytelling strategy to contextualize the problem of our innovation by presenting the elder’s healthcare issues in everyday life for easy understanding. However, I failed to dress in formal attire to ensure maximum replicability to the original recording and be fully prepared. My lack of hand gestures when representing numbers or mentioning points led me to not being able to convince my audience and accurately present to them.

In addition, my peers were vocal and used concise language to convey their meaning. Although, they lacked energy and enthusiasm as they sounded monotone and they failed to use appropriate facial expressions which were not able to satisfy the listeners. The lack of hand gestures further added to the problem as they were not able to communicate the message in an impactful and coherent manner. This enabled me to reflect upon their practice recordings and focus on those areas to improve myself.

Finally, I set a few goals for myself to refine my presentation and delivery. I decided to practice and use hand gestures as I realized how important they were to better communicate the idea and impact of our innovation. I also decided to dress in formal attire to look professional. Although my facial expression and energy were average, I decided to further improve upon them to make an impact on the audience as I realized how important it was from my peers.

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