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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Learning Evidence - Deliver Winning Business Presentations Book

Updated: May 14, 2022

Although I learned a lot from this class, I realized there were other resources that I can look into to further improve myself. I found this book called Deliver Winning Business Presentations that sounded really interesting and knowledgeable. After reading some of it, I realized how helpful it was as it gave me tips on how to better deliver what I’m trying to convey. One of the tips was to spontaneously talk about a topic for a minute or 2 with only 30 seconds of preparation. This would help you improvise more and not only focus on what you have to say but also how you say it. This was greatly beneficial to me as I always struggled and tried to memorize the script instead of naturally talking to the audience. After taking this advice and following this tip, I realized how much I improved in talking naturally and improvisation as I was used to it and practiced a lot. It helped me not only think but simultaneously focus on my hand gestures and sound confident. My delivery was getting better and so I really recommend reading this book for people who need to enhance their delivery skills for a better, overall presentation.

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