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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Peer’s Performance - Oral Presentation 1

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Our oral presentation 1 was presented by 2 other people: Maya and Sai. Personally, I felt Sai’s oral presentation was really well done. His delivery was excellent as he was extremely energetic in his introduction and sounded confident and well memorized. He maintained eye contact throughout the presentation and his language seemed natural. Furthermore, he changed his pace sometimes and his projection and use of tone were great which made it easy to understand. However, his overuse of hand gestures and limited pauses may have affected his performance. His delivery was not as natural and his language was not very accurate which lowered the audience’s comprehension of the recommendation. If Sai could improve on these things, his presentation would be outstanding and easily able to convince his audience. To compare it with my presentation, we were similar in terms of delivery as we both effectively used paces, tones, and eye contact and we both struggled in hang gestures. Nonetheless, I could improve on my presentation by looking at his introduction and how confident and energetic he sounded. I could also learn from his overall natural language when speaking which I could execute in my next presentation. So for both Sai and I to improve, we both can implement some practice strategies to better deliver our recommendations and improve our language. Self-practice would be a great way to do that but I believe standing up and practicing in front of an audience would be the best and it increases your overall smoothness of the presentation and everything flows naturally. You can record your practices and rewatch them to see where you need to improve. This way we would be more comfortable speaking and overall would be a better presentation.

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