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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Teacher's Feedback On My Performance Of Oral Presentation 1

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

After looking at my teacher’s feedback on my oral presentation, I realized how much I really needed to improve on and what aspects I could focus on. Our task completion and organization and teamwork were not as great as I expected due to less time spent on researching. This greatly affected our presentation as we spent too much time on common knowledge. Our transition wasn’t as smooth either and our recommendations would have been better if we found the root of the problem. Although, we did have a very effective hook that engaged the audience and our overall presentation flow was well organized. Moreover, my language was above average as I used the pace, pauses, and tone effectively but I could still sound more natural to improve. My delivery is something I definitely need to work on a lot as I overused hang gestures and was not confident due to being nervous through the rubbing of my lap. I believe these comments really helped me evaluate my presentation and self-reflect to see how I can enhance my abilities for the next presentation and what I really need to focus on.

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