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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Oral Presentation 1

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Our oral presentation 1 was the first official presentation I did in such a long time and I was extremely nervous, however, it turned out to be much better than I expected. Although my delivery and language were decent or above average, our task completion and organization, and teamwork took a big hit. We were extremely unprepared as we spent less time coming up with the recommendations due to our tight schedule. However, there is no excuse for us to spend less time on it as this course should be prioritized equally. We focused too much on the problems but failed to realize the root problem which led to our recommendations being inefficient and unconvincing to the audience. That led to the fall of our presentation, however, since we practice a lot on the language and delivery, it turned out to be above average. I memorized my script perfectly and used eye contact very well which made me sound confident and energetic even though our recommendation wasn’t as good. Our presentation was smooth and my language was clear through the use of tones, pauses, and voice. Although our ideas weren’t organized well, our introduction helped us gain the audience’s interest and our conclusion effectively summarized our points. We had great teamwork even though it wasn’t clearly shown in the presentation. Overall, our language and delivery were greatly enhanced compared to our practice presentation, however, we need to focus more on our task completion and organization to further achieve our learning goals.

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