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  • Writer's pictureMokshil Shah

Presentation Practice 2

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

After our oral presentation 1, we had another short practice presentation before our final oral presentation. We analyzed Case 2: Kitchen Best and recommended ways to help them. My language and delivery were much better than previously as I sounded confident and natural. I had a composed stance and I maintained eye contact even though I hadn’t memorized my script. Although I still wasn’t as energetic and enthusiastic as I could’ve been to persuade the audience. My use of tone was efficient and appropriate and my enunciation of words was easy to understand. In addition, I used pace constructively as I changed it fast and slow to match the audience’s understanding. My language and grammar were clear and easily comprehendible which made me sound more professional and convincing. However, my use of hand gestures was still overused and my overall presentation could’ve been improved if I had practiced more. So although my practice presentation 2 was much better than the first one, I knew I had to practice more to improve my overall performance for the final oral presentation.

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